烤包菜猪扒 Pork loin served with cabbage

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B:橄榄油2-3汤匙、鲜鼠尾草2-3 束、蒜头2瓣(剁碎)、火腿肉125克(剁碎)、紫色包菜350克(切细丝)、大葱2粒(切细丝)、红萝卜60克(切丝)
番茄膏1汤匙、芥末籽 1⁄2茶匙、辣椒粉2茶匙、鲜鲜百里香2束、盐适量

A:1 kg pork loin (sliced 1.5cm thick, about 8-9 pcs),1 bottle beer [320ml] B:2-3 Tbsps olive oil, 2-3 fresh sage leaves, 2 cloves garlic(chopped), 125 g bacon(chopped), 350g thinly
sliced purple cabbage [ may use white cabbage] , 2 large big onions(thinly sliced), 1 carrot(shreadded),
1 heaped Tbsp tomato paste, 1⁄2 tsp mustard seeds, 2 tsps. paprika, 2 stalks fresh thyme, salt to taste
Large Baking dish
【Marinade for pork loin】
2 tsps Hungarian sweet paprika, 2 tsp chopped fresh thyme, 1 1⁄2 tsp freshly ground black pepper, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp fresh sage(chopped)
【To marinate the pork loin】
1.Lightly pound each piece of pork loin with the back of a cleaver. Combine paprika, thyme, black pepper, salt and sage; rub over pork.(pic 1)
2.Heat oil in a large pan medium-high heat. Pan-fry pork, cook 5 minutes, browning on all sides. Remove pork from pan and place into baking dish, sprinkle all seasonings over the dish. (pic 3-4)
3.Using the same oil, add sage leaves and garlic, sautéing till fragrant.
4.Add bacon & onions to pan sauté till caramelised.(pic 5)
5.Add cabbage and carrot, stir well and transfer onto the pork loin dish, pour beer over. (pic 5)
6.Cover and bake at 190℃ for 2 hours or until tender. (pic 8)